Suitable for: Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grade 10
In this lesson, students will learn about China's National Day Holiday.
WHAT IS Golden Week?
October 1st is China's National Day which commemorates the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 (Communist China). There are usually national celebrations and military parades in Tian'anmen Square, Beijing to acknowledge and celebrate the day.National Day is always a week long celebration, October 1–7 and is referred to as ‘Golden Week’. It is the biggest week for tourism in China when people have a week off to visit their families and take trips for the holiday around China and abroad. Because it is a national holiday and China has a big population, this means millions of people travel across China and there are large crowds everywhere during this week.
HOW is it celebrated?
Watch the videos below and record ways the festival is celebrated. Ask students to focus on activities done and anything else they note.
Chinese Holiday – National Day
Millions travel as National Day opens ‘golden week’, China’s first big holiday since Covid-19
In pairs or individually, read Golden Week in China, What is the meaning of Golden Week in China? and Golden Week – Shenme? What is that?. Take notes, and identify key information about the festival and how it is celebrated using the 5 W’s approach: Who, What, When, Where, Why.
ACTIVITY: Sustainable Travelling
Tourists swarm mountain during Golden Week
Millions on the move as China welcomes ‘golden week’, first major holiday after coronavirus
Watch the videos above and think about solutions to the issue that so many people travelling at one time puts huge pressure on the tourism industry (hotels, etc), transport and, also, the environment when many people visit the same sites. Present your findings in any format you wish, digital, oral or written.
ACTIVITY: Golden Week - Global Lens
Golden Week in Japan
3 Reasons Why you should Avoid Travelling during Golden Week! What it is and why it’s called this way
Japan also has a ‘Golden Week’ holiday. Compare Japan’s Golden Week with Chinese Golden Week (Same and Different). Students can create a Venn Diagram on Canva.
Developed by the team at Meg to be used for the Meg Language & Culture Program
Copyright 2021