Case Study: Sustaining Language Learning throughout Covid-19

Covid-19 has presented schools with more challenges than any event in recent history. Meg is fortunate in that our method of online teaching means our language programs can continue uninterrupted. However, we have learned that every school’s approach to Covid-19 can be different, which is why we have developed multiple solutions that can fit the needs of your school.

The support from Meg has been fantastic and you have really been invaluable during the Covid-19 crisis, with complimentary Professional Learning sessions for teachers about remote learning very welcomed.

– Elizabeth Ovens, Principal at St Alosyius Catholic Primary School

Our solutions

Schools that are comfortable with students joining a video-conference from home

Live Lessons from Home

  • Weekly live lessons with students logging in separately from home
  • Up to 45 minutes of follow up activities via our learning management system, Canvas, each week

Schools that are not comfortable with students joining a video-conference from home

Self-paced Learning Materials

  • We also recognise that having students dial in from home would not be feasible in the context of the school’s home learning strategy. For those schools, we offered an improved version of our self-paced material
  • Students complete up to one hour of self-paced learning, including watching a pre-recorded live lesson and completing follow up activities on Canvas

Risk management is a huge priority when students are learning from home which is why we equip schools, parents and students with extensive guidelines designed specifically to meet the needs of your school.

You don’t work in the virtual learning environment for 10 years without learning a few things. The widespread transition to online learning in schools globally has allowed us to consolidate our learnings in a way that can be shared with Principals and classroom teachers. These learnings are not limited to world languages but can be applied broadly across multiple subject areas.

Professional Learning provided by Meg

  • An introduction to Zoom
  • Risk Management with Video Conferencing
  • Lessons from Teaching with Video Conferencing
  • Adapting Face-to-Face to Online Pedagogies
  • Supporting Students with Online Collaboration

The thought of introducing something new to your curriculum in the time of Covid-19 might feel overwhelming. It shouldn’t be. At Meg, we can bring excitement back to the classroom, no matter what that classroom looks like.

Thanks goodness we started our Chinese lessons with Meg earlier this year, otherwise we wouldn’t have known how we could possibly adapt to learning from home.

– Allana Lillburne, Carwatha College, Noble Park